One year ago, we began this voyage with an unforgettable launch. Today, readers are still beguiled by the stories.
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“When Fowler founded Nomadic Press in Brooklyn in 2011, he did so on the tenuous ideology of continuous movement — a notion both unusual and seemingly irreconcilable with the permanent vision of a book press and physical workspace. How can one promote fluid exploration of language and thought when the target is literally a hard-copy? Fowler and rest of his cohorts at Nomadic Press answer this challenge by treating literature very much like it is a living thing, whose germination is as important a process as its final creative product. . . . The priority on community is perhaps what fuels Nomadic’s impressive array of donation-based events. . . . Like with every Nomadic event, the emotional comfort of the writers and audience is priority.”
— Sarah Gabrielle Adler, "Nomadic Press Keeps It Moving" (East Bay Express)
— with Youssef Alaoui, Nomadic Press, Nomadic Press andNomadic Press.