2Leaf Press Poetry Round Table on Zoom

I will take part in a poetry round table discussion on April 19,2023 via Zoom at 4PM Pacific. To view it you will have to register here. We will have some fabulous poets and we might just change the whole world so don't miss it!

2Leaf Press invites you to help us celebrate NATIONAL POETRY MONTH with our two events: HOW CAN POETRY SAVE THE WORLD on Wednesday, April 19, 2023 on Zoom, featuring 2Leaf Press poets; and THE OGs, featuring Original Nuyorican Poet Jesús Papoleto Meléndez, and The Last Poet Abiodun Oyewole, CELEBRATING FIFTY YEARS OF POETRY at the NUYORICAN POETS CAFE in New York City on Thursday, April 27, 2023.

We know a little something about poetry. From 1997-2012, we published over 300 poets in phati'tude Literary Magazine,and since 2012, we have published 29 volumes of poetry and an additional 46 poets in BLACK LIVES HAVE ALWAYS MATTERED (2017). Some of these poets are famous, others not so famous but well-respected in the poetry community, including passionate amateurs who wrote poems deserving publication. What these poets collectively have in common is that they are the most diverse group of multicultural poets published by a small press. Ever.

So join us in our celebration of NATIONAL POETRY MONTH. Spread the word to your friends, colleagues and students. You will not be disappointed.